European Standard S1000D, an Unnecessary Expense to OEM? -Code and Pixels
S1000D No one understands the usage but everyone wants it because someone said that it’s the latest. S1000D vs JSG 0852 S1000D, a white elephant. JSG 0852 IETM, The hero of Indian standard Introduction: This article is useful if you are into technical documentation. IETM is a software that handles the thousands of pages of user manuals and technical manuals and organizes them in a desired manner. A few years ago OEMs used to deliver Manuals in the form of PDF files on DVD. It is easier to refer single PDF when an issue arises. But in many cases, the operator needs to refer to multiple PDFs from multiple DVDs, Hence the concept of IETM was introduced and all the manuals were converted to a common database, and in a single click would reach to desired page using IETM viewer for help. Thus, IETM was evolved. European countries used the S1000D standard similarly Indian defense has framed guidelines and finalized JSG 0852 standard almost 20 years ago. And slowly the guidelines were develo